09/02/08 Seoul

After the performance we get back to the hostel where we begin to drink. (yup, seems like it's going to be one of those nights again!) The others start drinking some crap called makkoli, some sort of rice wine. It's revolting! There is a big gang who are all up for getting, a little how we say...boozed!
A group of us go out for a meal to some BBQ place where we have to cook our own food on some grill. It's quite fun. There is beer and soju flowing. Soju is the Korean equivalent of vodka and it's lethal stuff!! By the time we finish our meal we are all a little tipsy.

We go to meet even more people from the hostel and then hit a club called Tin Pan. Lot's of alcohol, table dancing, silly picture poses. It's really funny. All very drunk now. The Irish guy and I get it in our heads to do a pub crawl so go and hit loads of bars, all of which are complete dives! We end up getting back to the hostel at 5:30am absolutely off our trollies drunk! Yup, I did it again.

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